
Corporate Governance

Corporate governance refers to how rights and responsibilities are distributed between the company’s governance bodies in accordance with applicable laws, rules and processes.

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General meeting

The General Meeting is the corporate body’s highest authority in Boule and at this meeting shareholders may exercise their voting rights regarding, for example, disposition of the result of the year, discharge of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director, election of board members and auditors as well as fees for the board members and auditors.

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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the corporate body’s highest authority after the General Meeting. According to the Companies Act, the Board of Directors is responsible for the management and organization of the company.



The CEO reports to the Board of Directors. The primary responsibility of the CEO is for the regular management and daily operations. The CEO is also responsible for financial reports and for a summary of information for the board meetings. The CEO presides over the board meetings. The CEO shall work to attain goals, and to implement the policies and strategic plans set out for the company by the Board of Directors.


Compensation Group Management & incentive programs

Remuneration to Board of Directors and Group Management

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External auditors are appointed by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was elected in 2020 as auditor for the period up to and including the Annual General Meeting in 2022.

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Articles of Association

Information about Articles of Association for Boule Diagnostics AB (publ) will be found here.

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Incentive Programs

Boule has two outstanding incentive programs; Warrant Program 2020/2023 and Warrant Program 2019/2022 .

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Remuneration committee

The Board of Directors has a committee to oversee questions regarding remuneration. The Audit Committee consists of two members whose the main responsibility of the remuneration committee is to prepare decisions regarding the principles of remuneration, remuneration and terms of employment for company leadership, to review and evaluate current and past year programs for variable remuneration and to review and evaluate the application of guidelines for remuneration to the executive management as set out in the Annual General Meeting.

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