The Share
Boule as an investment
Boule Diagnostics develops and manufactures diagnostic instruments and consumables for healthcare providers worldwide.
Boule Diagnostics’ share were listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, on June 23, 2011. The number of shareholders is as of December 31, 2024 about 2,390 .
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Share Capital
The share capital of Boule Diagnostics at December 31, 2022 amounted to SEK 9,708,276, divided into 38,833,104 shares with a nominal value of SEK 0.25 per share. Boule Diagnostics has only one class of shares and all shares have equal rights to shares in the company’s assets and earnings. A trading lot is one (1) share.
Stock split 2018
In accordance with the decision made by the Annual General Meeting on May 14, 2018, a division of the company’s shares have been implemented, whereas each existing share was divided into four shares in a so-called stock split 4:1. The split will facilitate the trade of the share and did not require any actions by the shareholders. The share capital was not affected, and the quotient value changed from SEK 1.00 to SEK 0.25 per share, the total number of shares increased to 19,416,552. The record date of the split was Monday, June 4, 2018 and the final day for trading before the division was Thursday, May 31, 2018. As of Friday, June 1, 2018 the share is traded with the new ISIN-code SE0011231158. Following the division of shares, the comparative earnings per share and alternative performance measures that include the number of shares has been retroactively recalculated to facilitate comparison between the periods.
More information about Boule’s shares can be found at NASDAQ Stockholm.
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