Exigo H400

Cost of ownership aspects

Hardware cost

The Exigo H400 offers high precision and versatility at a lower cost compared to other instruments due to:

  • Less complex and well-proven measurement methods
  • Innovative engineering design that minimizes wear and tear.
  • Automated maintenance procedures to maximize uptime

Consumable cost

The Exigo H400 achieves desired results without the need for complex stains and dyes, making it a more cost-effective option that allows laboratories to generate better returns.

  • Few reagents: Diluent, Lyse, and EOS reagent for a CBC including a 4-part WBC differential.
  • CBC including a 3-part WBC differential to save on reagents when an EOS count is not needed.
  • On-board cleaner to minimize user maintenance interventions.


The consumables used in the Exigo H400 have long on-board stability, supporting variations in the workload in a laboratory. This results in minimal wastage, providing financial benefits for users.

Service cost

The Exigo H400 analyzer’s robust and less complex design requires less service intervention, maintenance, and costly parts replacements. This translates to significant cost savings for laboratories.


Accurate & reliable

Low maintenance & cost-effective


Applicable & innovative design


Benefits explained

Floating discriminator

Impedance units can used fixed or floating discriminator. Fixed is an older method and floating discriminator hence is a later development. Fixed discriminator instruments come with predetermined size for the different cells’ subgroups. Floating technology is just the opposite, it checks the cell sub-groups and then they come up with “the perfect fit” for each sample. The floating discriminator will find the optimal valleys between the peaks (within set limits) and will therefor allow a more accurate result when working with variations in cell populations or when establishing a new profile for a species. Furthermore, for some species there can be great variation between different breeds or within different age populations, a floating discriminator will help to correct for this as well.
Pathological flagging. Indicates for the operator or the pathologist what the abnormalities may be caused by and also what the suggested next step could be. Since veterinarians, as opposed to clinicians on the human side, seldom are specialized on hematology this is valuable information. Software interface also include flagging for hemolysis and coagulation. Giving indicators to not trust the result and retake the sample if these are present. This is especially important for animals, since some of the species have tendencies to be more sensitive to clotting (both prior, during and after sampling).


Small impedance aperture

The H400 is based on impedance technology to detect and count platelets in a blood sample. The count function is dependent on the platelets passing through an aperture (orifice). The H400 uses a 60 µm wide orifice, as compared to many other analyzers that are not customized to veterinary use thus using a larger orifice that is commonly used on human units. The narrower orifice in the H400 allow for a more sensitive detection of platelets of smaller size, and the Exigo H400 is therefore more accurately counting PLTs in species having small platelets, e.g. mice. The RBC count is also improved from having the narrower orifice.

Pathological flagging

Indicates for the operator or the pathologist what the abnormalities may be caused by, and also suggest what next step could be. As veterinarians, as opposed to clinicians on the human side, seldom are specialized in hematology this is valuable feature. Software interface also includes flagging for hemolysis and coagulation, giving indicators to not trust the result and rerun the sample if these are present. This is especially important for animals, as some of the species have tendencies to be more sensitive to clotting (both prior, during, and after sampling).

EOS measurement option

Eos count is often elevated in parasite infections and allergy deceases and Eos measurement is hence an important parameter for diagnosing parasite infections giving valuable information complementing the Neu, Lym and Mono count. Parasite infections are relatively commons with pets getting it either from being close to other infected pets or from playing in contaminated soil or drinking water from a contaminated creek or pond. As opposed to other systems, the Exigo H400 measure Eos using a “true detection” with a dedicated Eos separation reagent and count step.

Flexible reagents use

On the Exigo H400, it is possible to choose when relevant to run EOS or leave this analysis out when not needed to save on reagents. The reagent setup is also flexible so that bottles can be changed individually. Other providers use a fixed one-pack for all reagents and all reagents are used on all samples, regardless of it being relevant for the patient or not. If there is a less hectic period and the number of test runs becomes lower, the usage of the reagents also reduced. To avoid having to discard unused reagents due to them expiring, shelf-life and open bottle stability becomes important. For the Exigo H400, the shelf life of reagents is 36 months (EOS and lyse 24) compared to many other providers typically having 12 months. Open bottle stability is 3 months, compared to 45 days default for many others. This makes ordering, logistics, and planning easier and reduces the risk of having to scrap reagents.

Few moving parts and onboard automatic cleaning.

The fluidic system in the Exigo H400 is designed to be robust over time. It is based on only two pumps and no moving syringes or pistons that might become worn out over time. The system includes an onboard cleaner that contains an enzymatic part especially designed to clean animal blood, from cats in particular, that is prone to clot the system. The cleaner automatically cleans the system and flushes the probe, without any intervention needed by the operator.

Built-in sample mixer

For optimal measurement accuracy, it is important that the blood sample is properly mixed. The Exigo H400 integrated blood tube mixer facilitates this, makes handling easier, and saves bench space.

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