The eye is blind to what the mind doesn´t know. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
During this webinar we will go through the blood cell production & maturation process (hematopoiesis) including some images from light and digital microscopy. Moreover, we will provide you with the parameters that are presented in the CBC, and their respective interpretation. We will explain the differences between 3- & 5-part hematology analyzers, as it is very important to choose the correct analyzer based on your needs.
Are you interested in learning more about hematology? Join this webinar and get inspired by our hematology expert!
Date| time | duration:
2021-11-10| 09:00 or 15:00 CET | 1 h
Who should attend:
All Boule affiliates interested in increasing their knowledge within hematology.
For this webinar, we also encourage participation of end users. Please forward the meeting link to your
respective customers.
Gabriel Alias ,Biomedical Scientist. Senior Applied Hematologist, Sweden
I have more than 15 years of experience in laboratory diagnostics and Applied Hematology. My greatest interest in working life is quality, problem solving and new ideas and paths, enforcing them and seeing concrete results. Problems of all kinds are there to be solved, and these are challenges I enjoy. As a person, I am very helpful and always have a positive mindset.