Boule Cleaning kit is a triple action cleaner designed for use on Medonic M-series and Swelab Alfa-series hematology analyzers such as the Medonic M32 and Swelab Alfa Plus analyzers. The cleaning fluids will, in three steps, thoroughly clean and relubricate your analyzer completely, thereby prolonging the life of the components and minimizing risk of bacterial growth and background problems.
Why a Triple action cleaner?
During the lifetime of a hematology analyzer, several hundreds of liters of impure liquids are flushed through its fluidic system. As a result, bacterial growth as well as build-up of proteins and other impurities originating from the blood may develop. These impurities will clog the system and affect reproducibility, at the same time as it increases wear on the components. The bacterial growth also causes background problems and affects the chemistry balance of the reagents.
These two types of contaminations must be handled by completely different measures. And if not properly done, a cleaner may even make the situation worse.
The Boule Cleaning Kit is a triple action cleaner specially designed to address these problems and is adapted to be as aggressive as required without damaging the interior of the analyzer. Something other cleaners possibly might do.

Boule cleaning kit is a triple action cleaner
How does it work?
1) A hypochlorite solution with a disinfecting action is run through the system, removing biological residuals and bacterial contamination.
2) The system is filled with the effective Boule Enzymatic Cleaner (see below TOSI™ test), where blood residuals and protein are dissolved from the interior walls of the system.
3) Finally, the system is rinsed with a soft detergent solution, cleaning out the remainder of residuals, and carefully lubricating the inside of the system, providing a smooth non-adhesive interior making it harder for new proteins to attach and for bacteria to start growing.
The revealing TOSI test
Several prefabricated and standardized tests from independent manufacturers are available to test the efficiency of a cleaner. One such test is the TOSI test for surgical instruments. The TOSI test used to test the Boule Enzymatic Cleaner utilizes a standardized metal plate that comes prefabricated with a standardized smear of blood proteins.
Test results
Seven TOSI plates were placed in Boule Enzymatic Cleaner (test) as well as in distilled water and in commonly used reference cleaners for 15 min before they were rinsed and dried. The effect of the cleaners can easily be spotted in the residuals of blood smear (Fig 1). A significant difference between the different products was observed, some hardly better than distilled water. Of the cleaners included in the study, Boule Enzymatic Cleaner was shown to give the best effect on blood proteins.

Fig 1. TOSI test results from comparison of Boule Enzymatic Cleaner with reference cleaners commonly used on the market.
The TOSU test results show that Boule Enzymatic Cleaner is one of the most efficient enzymatic cleaners of the products included in the study and should be the preferred choice for Medonic M-series and Swelab Alfa-series hematology analyzers.
TOSI is a registered trademark of Pereg GmbH.