Being committed to animal health means always striving for the best care solutions. This involves ensuring accurate results, reliable instruments, species-optimized testing, and meeting the unique needs of our beloved pets. Quality results and patient safety are just as important as cost-effectiveness. When considering different options, it is crucial to consider all expenses, including potential hidden costs associated with the purchased solution. To avoid these hidden costs, users must carefully assess the total cost of ownership, including initial investment, continuous maintenance, reagent expenses, and staff training. It is also essential to have contingency plans in place to maximize system uptime and reduce the time taken to fix any problems.

Specifically designed for veterinary use, the Exigo H400 Veterinary Hematology Analyzer is a cost-effective and highly accurate solution that provides a complete blood count (CBC) analysis in just one minute. It offers features tailored for veterinary applications, including the ability to analyze both venous and capillary blood samples and flag pathological results. In addition to the standard 3-part differential, it also reports the EOS count separately, which is crucial for detecting parasite infections and certain allergies common in companion animals.

The Exigo H400 provides high precision and versatility at a lower cost compared to other instruments due to its streamlined design, innovative engineering, cost-effective consumables, minimal wastage, and reduced service costs. This leads to significant savings for laboratories and clinics.
According to Dr. Bruno Monteiro, a veterinarian who is using the Exigo H400 in his clinic, the investment in an automated analyzer has resulted in decreased cost per test compared to manual counting. The instrument paid for itself in less than a year, and the increased sample throughput by 50% has boosted revenue, allowing the saved money to be invested in other areas of the clinic. Dr. Monteiro considers the Exigo H400 to be a cost-effective system and an excellent investment.
The Exigo H400 incorporates advanced features such as shear valve guided sampling, volumetric measurement, unique lyse formulation, floating discriminator, and high-resolution histograms. Despite its less complex design, the Exigo H400 achieves the same level of precision as more intricate systems used in larger animal hospitals and clinics, thanks to its intelligent system design.