Coronavirus COVID-19 diagnostics – learnings from China adopted in Honduras

The COVID-19 outbreak poses challenges to diagnostic testing. A large number of patients needs to be screened to distinguish virus infected patients from healthy individuals. Techniques widely used in virus detection are PCR and nucleotide sequencing. However, such methods can be both costly and time consuming. Additionally, sample collection is typically done by nasal swabs, which can be difficult to perform and inconvenient for the patient. Read more

Dr Fernando Bonilla_900

Dr. Fernando Bonilla, Clinical Microbiologist at Permanent Contingency Commission, Triage Center Honduras

“A blood count is a reliable, low-cost, and immediate reading test that helps us in the screening of people suspected of being infected by SARS-COV-2, and it is one of the first filters we use in decision-making”, says Dr. Fernando Bonilla"

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