Exigo veterinary diagnostics

Specially designes to analyze animal blood

Exigo veterinary hematology and clinical chemistry analyzers are specially designed for veterinary use only, Exigo veterinary hematology automated analyzer put the animal patient in focus. From farm animals to the smallest pets, the systems provide quick and reliable analyses of blood samples.

Exigo veterinary hematology automated analyzer – solution for the veterinary clinic

Exigo H400 hematology analyzer, equipped with a micropipette adapter (MPA), delivers an exact and reliable complete blood count (CBC) in less than one minute from just 20 µL of blood. No vacuum tubes, mixing or additional preparation is required.

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Figure 1. The MPA inlet provides a complete blood count from just on drop of blood.

Clinical chemistry analyzer for animal health diagnosis

Exigo C200 clinical chemistry analyzer allows high-quality results from just 100 μL of whole blood, serum or plasma. With Exigo C200, you can analyze up to 14 parameters at the same time. No special operating skills are required. Thanks to the integrated centrifuge, no sample preparation is needed. Internal quality control, dilution and mixing is automatic, and the results can be printed in just 12 minutes.

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Figure 2. Just apply sample and insert rotor, and the results are available in just 12 minutes.

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Learn more about Exigo veterinary diagnostics solutions

More from knowledge center

This article summarizes tips and pointers on how to improve the platelet count in cats using the Exigo™ H400.

Surgery and anesthesia always pose a risk for the patient and It is therefore recommended undergo a pre-operative assessment.