The Veterinary IVD market is increasing worldwide as more people acquire companion animals, and livestock and other domesticated animals are increasing. To satisfy the corresponding market need, Boule offers a dedicated veterinary hematology and chemistry analyzing system, H400 hematology analyzer and C200 chemical instrument. In this webinar, we will give an introduction to both systems covering:
– Positioning, design and application
– Measuring principle, installation, operation, and some issues from field report
– Q&A session
Sofié Olander, Product Manager
Xinyu Wang, Senior Service Engineer
Date| time | duration:
2021-09-23| 09:00 or 15:00 CET | 2 h
Who should attend:
Boule appointed Exigo distributors
– Product technical support
– Application and sales
Boule academy certification:
Attendees of this application and technology training, that pass the exam, will obtain a certification.

Sofié Olander, Global Product Manager Veterinary

Xinyu Wang, Senior service engineer