With today’s customer-centric approach to healthcare, near-patient testing is growing rapidly. In such clinical settings, capillary samples are typically used. To meet this need, Boule Swelab Alfa Plus and Medonic M32 hematology analyzers are equipped with a micro-pipette adapter (MPA) inlet.
Complete blood count from one drop of blood
The MPA method allows hematology testing from a simple finger-stick capillary sample taken directly from the patient. In about one minute, the analyzer reports a complete blood count including a 3-part WBC differential from one drop of blood.
Dr. Irlanda Mohd Idzham, Klinik Idzham Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia explains his use of the MPA functionality:
” The small volume of capillary sample is important when handling infectious diseases. Capillary sampling is also less fearful for children, feeling more comfortable when holding them by the finger rather than grabbing their arm. Therefore, the MPA functionality is the most important feature of Swelab Alfa Plus. This instrument is also the smallest on the market, and easy to use. The results are accurate and consistent, which gives confident to the clinician. The capillary hook holder facilitates sample handling.”