Evaluation of the performance of Swelab Lumi hematology system
Fig 1. Swelab Lumi is a 5-part hematology analyzer intended for the cost-minded clinical laboratory. The user-friendly design makes system operations easy. Robust software and hardware components ensure a reliable system performance. With its small footprint, Swelab Lumi is well suited for the typical physician office laboratory.
Fig 2. Agreement between cell count in the Swelab Lumi test and XN-1000 reference (Sysmex Corp.) hematology analyzers. Passing-Bablok regression graphs are shown for (A) WBC, (B) RBC, (C) HGB, (D) MCV, (E) HCT, (F) RDW%, (G) PLT, and (H) MPV. In regression plots, the gray line is the line of identity (x = y) and the red line is the line of best fit.