In this study, results obtained for capillary blood samples collected in Boule micro-pipettes as well as micro-collection tubes were compared to results for venous blood samples. A total of 52 donors were included (one donor was excluded from the micro-collection tube part due to too small volume). From each donor, venous and capillary K2EDTA anticoagulated whole blood samples were collected by venipuncture and finger stick, respectively. All samples were analyzed in single assays to obtain CBC and white blood cell (WBC) differential results using the OT sampling method for both the venous and capillary samples.
Parameter mean value bias was determined using venous whole blood as reference for the following comparisons:
1) Capillary blood in micropipette (MPA) with venous blood (OT)
2) Capillary blood in micro-collection tubes (OT) with venous blood (OT)
Results were compared to pre-defined acceptance criteria.
The following standards and guidelines were followed for design and implementation of the studies:
- CLSI H26-A2. Validation, Verification, and Quality Assurance of Automated Hematology Analyzers; Approved Standard – Second Edition; 2010.
- CLSI GP41-A6. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture; Approved Standard – Sixth Edition; 2007.
- GP42-A6. Procedures and Devices for the Collection of Diagnostic Capillary Blood Specimens; Approved Standard – Sixth Edition; 2008.
The outcome of the comparative studies for capillary versus venous blood are presented separately in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Comparison of capillary blood collected in micropipettes (MPA mode) versus venous blood (OT mode)